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Bantam Partridge Gold laced Wayondotte

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They are known for their docile temperament. They are cheeky and inquisitive little birds, excellent in a smaller back garden coop. They do like human company although they won’t be as cuddly and tame as a Silkie or Pekin

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The Bantam Wyandotte Chicken is a smaller version of the standard Wyandotte breed. Here’s some detailed information about this breed:
• Origin: The Bantam Wyandotte originated in the United States in the late 19th century. It was developed through the careful crossbreeding of several existing breeds, including the Hamburg, Cochin, and Brahma.
• Appearance: Bantam Wyandotte retain the same distinctive appearance as the standard Wyandotte, including the rose comb and feathered legs, but in a compact size. They come in various colour varieties. The Laced Bantam Wyandotte’s feather pattern is truly beautiful.
• Size: Bantam Wyandotte are smaller versions of the standard Wyandotte breed.
• Egg Production: They are reliable egg layers, producing a significant number of large brown eggs annually. The Wyandotte bantam is one of the best egg layers of all bantams.
• Temperament: They are known for their docile temperament. They are cheeky and inquisitive little birds, excellent in a smaller back garden coop. They do like human company although they won’t be as cuddly and tame as a Silkie or Pekin. They are very inquisitive with a hardy nature.
This breed is well-suited for both egg production and meat consumption. They are low-maintenance chickens, well-suited for backyard flocks. Whether you’re an experienced chicken keeper or a beginner, the Bantam Wyandotte could be a great addition to your flock!

Egg Color/ Approximate eggs per year: Cream/You can expect them to lay about 150-200 large eggs yearly or 3-4 per week. They tend to lay well in the winter compared to other chicken breeds.


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